Thursday 29 August 2013

#99 Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine

First Thoughts:
Well at least this time I have heard of the band. I think I've always been aware of Rage Against The Machine considering them mainly as a band for heavy rockers with tatoos and scary hair and as such have myself stayed away. The song I know best is 'Killing In The Name', which, although I had heard before, mostly came to my attention in the chirstmas number one battle of 2009. Anyway I have on occasion listened to it in my room when I've been feeling particularly teenage-angsty.

Monday 26 August 2013

#100 Eagles - Hotel California

First Thoughts:
Well at least I start by showing my ignorance straight away. I have no idea who Eagles are, and I have never heard of the album Hotel California. The Album artwork seems pretty though. haha. Okay so wikipedia tells me Eagles are from Los Angeles, California and this album, released 1976,  has sold over 16 million copies in the US alone. I've found the album on spotify so here goes.